Roche Conquer Behavior, Conquer Weight

The Live Well team recognizes that it takes an army to win a battle, so that is why we are here to help. Conquer Behavior, Conquer Weight is a 6 week program designed to give you the ammunition to win this fight.

Participants will learn and adapt new behaviors to combat the weight battle. Tasks will be given each week with active involvement expected. Everyone should be prepared to make changes in their activity and eating. You will be expected to track your food and exercise daily, and to weigh yourselves regularly.

Nutrition consultations with the registered dietitian will need to be completed before the 3rd week of classes. Beginning the third week, you will meet with one of the Health Fitness professionals for a fitness assessment and to go over a personalized exercise plan.
Owner: AngelWooleverLeaders: AngelWooleverCreated on December 29, 201623 membersPrivacy: Private