January 2017 - 30 Day Shred (Jillian Michaels, beginner or original program challenge- join me!)

Hi All,

Happy New Year!

I lost a good amount of weight (11kg) back in 2013 on MFP (scary how long ago it was), cut a long story short I am back at a bigger weight than I want to be now. (roughly 9kg above my ideal weight)

I started Jilian Michaels 30 day beginner shred in November 2016 but the holiday period stalled me, in the little time that I did do the program i got really good results and was looking noticeably more toned, so I am back again in 2017 with a new lease of life and I want to see the program through now.

I have started this group for anyone who wants to join me on this challenge, to motivate each other to stick to the plan and to update each other on progress, I will aim to update this page daily.

I am 5'2, starting weight 64kg, i will post before and after pictures as I progress through the plan and encourage you to do the same!

We can do this! :)

Owner: sunny_2Leaders: sunny_2Created on January 3, 20178 membersPrivacy: Public


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