Miles for April
Total miles for the month of April due by May 3rd. Please inbox me or place total in the box on the women's table at the church. April winners will be announced Sunday. God bless you all as we hit the mid point of this challenge!
Miles for March
Turn in miles by April 1st, slips located on the women's table in the back of the church. Winner will be announced first Sunday in April for the month of March.
Miles for March Madness
Please turn in your miles for the month of March winner will be announced first Sunday in April. Only miles turned in before April 1st will be counted. Please share with anyone you know who may not be linked but participating.
March Madness Update
For those of you looking for a way to chart your progress and having difficulties connecting your fitbit or you don't have one. You can go to apps and devices and get the "map my walk" or "map my run" apps. Please take time to friend each other, on both apps, it helps to keep others encouraged. Thanks and God Bless. Go…
Group Update (March Madness)
2 Days away, please encourage your friends to join. I am not sure we can see any of miles/steps that you may be making. I am logging steps but I can't find them in the group. with that in mind, I am not sure if it is because the Challenge hasn't started or something is wrong. I sent an email and I am waiting on a reply. In…
FCMBC 467 William Steet, Buffalo, New York
The March Madness- Summer Challenge will be discussed at the Women's Fellowship on February 18th at 9:30 am, all are welcome to attend. (Prizes, activities and walk parties will be formed at this meeting). Workout session and Tips and Tricks for weight lost will be available as well. Participants may bring Water bottle,…
Thank you!
I want to express my gratitude to the ladies and gentlemen of FCMBC for allowing me to participate in your walking challenge. It was the exact motivation I needed to start walking more. With all the walking over the past 4 months, I've lost 30 lbs! Thank you!
March Madness
Ok gang were 3 days away from shedding those unwanted pounds lets get those legs burning and fire started