Knock Knock Knock
Any one still here? What can we do to get this active?
What are we going to do with this group? I know y'all just got done moving and all. I don't want this group to die out
March step challenge
So how are we going to document everything? I'm guessing not everyone in this group is on the fitbit train.
Still learning to navigate!
I think I may have been posting to everyone on planet earth, rather than just the Fighting Fitness Grad Program group that Lauren created. I've either confused alot of people, or turned them on to SOTG, lol! Please, if you would, react to this post if you have seen it, and are part of Lauren's Fighting Fitness group. I…
What is everyone's plans and goals?
Share your story
Was hoping to start something where people could share their fitness stories. Personally, I find it motivational and figure other people might as well. I'll start with mine, which is still very much in progress. All my life I have been a bigger guy. My parents were always pushing me to stay healthy and I would for short…