~*Keto Seed Diet*~ Extreme Intense Vegan Ketogenic/Ketosis Weight Loss Diet 30+ Day Diet Challenge

Wanna be ready for spring?~
Starting for 30 days I will be eating only 1 oz Flax Seeds + 1 oz Chia Seeds: Mix the 2 oz doses in water 3 times a day for a total of 6 oz a day. Please join me for this extreme experiment.


I encourage you to take a multivitamin if you are interested in starting this diet.
I take this one:


Read Up On The Benefits Of Flax Here:

Read Up On The Benefits Of Chia Here:

Transform your body and your habits.
I believe in you. You can do it~

Owner: HaeimLeaders: HaeimCreated on March 15, 201712 membersPrivacy: Public


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