***Mindfulness Nerds***

We're not into rainbows and sunshine and puppies. However, we fundamentally know that there's a positive angle to just about any circumstance life throws at you. We're not "all about the scale" either, but our members have been shedding pounds and meeting goals. We're not group therapy, but we know enough about one another to support each other in our daily struggles. We're not a social club, but friendships do happen here. So who are we?

We're just people who know it's important to WATCH YOURSELF THINK. And we talk about our thoughts and how they influence what we do.

Do you feel a little bored with the way people talk about weight loss online in general? Do you want to lose weight AND be the best person you can be? Do you know how corny that sounds but still know deep down that you truly want to meet your best self? Do you generally have a deep respect for science, little patience for "woo", but also put a tad bit of stock in mindfulness techniques and the idea of a mind-body connection? Are you willing to share a bit about your personal life for the sake of group synergy?

Wouldn't it be cool if we’re exactly the daily accountability group you've been looking for?

Of course we all want to get more fit. We share goals, do mini-challenges within challenges, unveil our food diaries, talk squat form, running splits & repetitive strain injuries. But more importantly, we'll spend time looking under our own hoods at the things we do on auto-pilot that don't serve us well, and we'll work together to change those habits. We'll engage each other, listen to one another and if we're lucky, become invested in each other's success.

If you ask to join, please jump into the chatter thread and introduce yourself right away. Lurkers - with all due respect- may be removed at any time with extreme prejudice.

Please see the group guidelines if you're a newcomer.
Owner: amylahminuteLeaders: amylahminuteCreated on April 27, 2017108 membersPrivacy: Private