SIXess in 6
This is a 6 weeks to success program for us!
Sunday May 21 to Sunday June 25: How much can you accomplish?
Challenge yourself: Build on your strength and your ability to control internal and external influences. Elevate positive thoughts. Be mindful of your actions and lack of action. Be disciplined and controlled in your behaviour. It's difficult to do all of these things alone at times, but now we have team support.
Let's log our success in six weeks.
Sunday May 21 to Sunday June 25: How much can you accomplish?
Challenge yourself: Build on your strength and your ability to control internal and external influences. Elevate positive thoughts. Be mindful of your actions and lack of action. Be disciplined and controlled in your behaviour. It's difficult to do all of these things alone at times, but now we have team support.
Let's log our success in six weeks.