Important stuff will go here one day.
Anyone still active in this group?
Who can get the most steps...
How about we get some friendly competition going? Let's see who can get the most steps per day between now and Saturday. Be sure to post your results each day!
Calling ALL Units!
PD, where are you???? :cry: There are 6 more weeks left. Can someone tell me where to find my teammates?
Increased energy!
Woo hoo! I really do feel good! Three weeks of working out + counting calories + eating healthier + getting more sleep = Increased energy!
What's For Lunch
I'm staffing the 606 State Street Gallery today, and it occurred me that the lunch I packed for myself looks like an artist's palette! :^) 021613 Lunch by The HipstaChick, on Flickr Hope everyone is having a good day. If you're wandering around downtown, stop in and see me at the Gallery!
Walking @ Sugar Hollow
Truly enjoyed meeting everyone yesterday and walking @ Sugar Hollow. Loved the new trail that goes by Alpha.
Online Recipe Analysis
Below is a link to an online recipe analysis tool you can use to easily generate a "nutrition label" for foods you make at home. You just simply key in the ingredients. It would also be helpful to determine the calories for foods you may not even consider a recipe, but are eaten together, such as a turkey sandwich (you…
Fast Food Calorie Counter
Ron Philbrick shared a site where he had found a fast food calorie counter, Thanks Ron!
Top 10 Processed Foods You Should Never Eat
I just read this article online and of course it makes sense, but just a little refresher ~ Denise Taken from The popularity of processed food is going up. The main reason is that it’s convenient and affordable. However, with all the sugar, salt,…
Hike rescheduled to 2-14-13
Check your emails everyone for further details. Today's hike is cancelled due to weather and will take place on Thursday.