MSRC 30 Day Whole Food Challenge - Brandon
This is NOT a weight loss challenge – it is a challenge to better our health and wellness, through eating whole foods.
This challenge is going to first and foremost be a “reset” to hopefully allow everyone to get back on track. Nutrition is a critical part of results–no matter how hard you try; you cannot out-train a bad diet. This is not simply a weight loss challenge. It is for anyone looking to see positive changes in their athletic performance, energy levels, body fat percentage, and most importantly overall health and wellness.
Our emphasis will be focused on eating REAL/WHOLE FOODS. “Real” foods: something that nourishes, unprocessed, not artificial. We will be eating meats and vegetables, nuts and seeds, some fruit, little starch, and no sugar.
This challenge is going to first and foremost be a “reset” to hopefully allow everyone to get back on track. Nutrition is a critical part of results–no matter how hard you try; you cannot out-train a bad diet. This is not simply a weight loss challenge. It is for anyone looking to see positive changes in their athletic performance, energy levels, body fat percentage, and most importantly overall health and wellness.
Our emphasis will be focused on eating REAL/WHOLE FOODS. “Real” foods: something that nourishes, unprocessed, not artificial. We will be eating meats and vegetables, nuts and seeds, some fruit, little starch, and no sugar.