Carnival Tone Up Crew (C-TUC)

We are here to motivate each other to get fit for carnival season. Whether you are feting in Miami, Trinidad, Jamaica, Barbados, Toronto, St Lucia, Grenada, Antigua or wining down in New York City we are here to get you right and tight. Post your goals, track your exercise & food intake and we'll be here to make sure you stay the course.

This group is brought to you by Adashoftwo, the twin duo best known for being vegan food bloggers and instagram personalities. Feel free to ask about our vegan diet and nutrition but know that we are not nutritionists. We share the tips and tricks that have been working to keep us. Pick and choose what works for you!
Owner: jhair82Leaders: jhair82Created on September 29, 20175 membersPrivacy: Public


Important stuff will go here one day.


Upcoming Events

Aw snap, no events are coming up.
