Smash Gyms Hayward

We can all agree that when you least expect it, "life happens!" and when it happens to us, we tend to lose track of our personal focus, our personal performance and our personal needs.

One to three days of being unaccountable, can lead to a decline in effort, a lack of confidence and a disbelief in your overall plan. Before you know it, weeks have gone by and the realization hits home, you've completely fallen off the wagon.

For many, being held accountable is the only way to yield promising and desirable results. It's also a great way to band together, a group of moms, dads, teens, friends, gym goers and coworkers, for a great cause.

If you desire to feel, look and move better? Expect to be accountable. Make the commitment to surround yourself with likeminded company, track your progress, do research, be open to advice, share your knowledge and have a great time.
Owner: CoachIsInToWinLeaders: CoachIsInToWinCreated on October 29, 201739 membersPrivacy: Private