3-Day Military Diet Plan

This is for those who want to try the Plan and want to encourage each other as we go through our Transformation. I want it to be known AND understood that not EVERYONE will lose 10 Pounds during the 3 Days... everybody's body and Metabolism is different. Also, about half of the weight one initially loses is WATER... but don't get/be discouraged. There is also a 4-Day Plan to utilize so-as to keep on Track so you don't gain all (and then extra) the weight lost on the 3-Days of HARD WORK! You will also need to do Exercises 4-5 times a week, and change it up (Aerobics then Strength then Aerobics, and so on) to Maximize your Workouts. It is suggested that you have a Rest Day in-between a day of Exercise to give your Body time to recoup from Exercising...
Owner: AngelsLady2015Leaders: AngelsLady2015Created on January 1, 20187 membersPrivacy: Public



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