We Got This South Florida - Coral Springs & Beyond

This group is for those of us who are in the South Florida area. For me, every bit of support and motivation makes a world of difference and having the company of like-minded adults is extremely helpful as well. Whether you are a beginner or an Olympian, we'd love to have you here. Whether you are maintaining or trying to lose that first 2 lbs, we want you here!!! This is a judgment-free zone!!!

I would like to eventually be able to have meet-ups for those of us needing that extra motivation or just to get together to work out as a group. ***Please, no soliciting your business.*** If you are passionate about health and fitness and want to share your expertise, it is welcome, we just ask that you do not solicit the members of this group (gym memberships, BB Coaching, etc.) Many of us cannot afford these things and need alternatives of the free kind, something a little more kind to our wallets, hence this group :) Thanks for checking it out and we hope to hear from you soon!!!
Owner: EnigmaMadeiraLeaders: EnigmaMadeiraCreated on January 31, 20186 membersPrivacy: Public


Important stuff will go here one day.


Upcoming Events

Aw snap, no events are coming up.
