How to Add Time Frames to your Nutrition Log
In the phone app: Click the upper left corner’s triple horizonal line icon to bring down the menu Select “Settings” Select “Diary Settings” Select “Customize Meal Names” Enter the new categories you want; you can create up to 6 categories. For example, mine are: Name 1: 5:30 AM – 9:00 AM Name 2: 9:00 AM – 12:00 PM Name 3:…
To allow the Worksite Wellness Team to view and give feedback to your food log and exercise log follow these steps: For Food Diary: 1. Go to the top of this page and click on "FOOD" (this is how you will access your food diary) 2. Below the "FOOD" tab click on "Settings" at the top of the page 3. Scroll all the way to the…
To allow the Worksite Wellness Team to view and give feedback to your food log and exercise log follow these steps: For Food Diary: 1. Go to the top of this page and click on "FOOD" (this is how you will access your food diary) 2. Below the "FOOD" tab click on "Settings" at the top of the page 3. Scroll all the way to the…
Greetings From Donna DeCaille, RD
We are looking for an amazing challenge this year and hope you take advantage of using the services. Getting real time personalized help with your eating is an amazing bonus. As a Dietitian I will tell you that many people think they are eating for their body and health, but they are not because food science and…