Daily Exercise Check-In
Welcome to the group everyone!!! Please use this thread to post your daily general exercise stories. Other threads will be opened for things like exercise support and tips as well as exercise specific threads for those who want to stay focused on a specific exercise program for the full 30 days such as Jillian Michaels 30…
Jillian Michaels Challenge buddies!!!
Hello everyone!! The purpose of this thread is for those of you who want to use the full 30 day challenge to complete a Jillian Michaels exercise DVD or program such as the 30 Day Shred. This is the one that I will personally be doing, so I will log my exercise later tonight!
Weekly Optional Weigh-In
Spring 30 Day Get Fit Jump Start Goal: lose 10lbs Starting Weight: 283.8 3/20 - 283.8 3/27 4/3 4/10 (END OF CHALLENGE)
P90X or Insanity Junkies!!!
Please use this thread to post your daily exercise stories as well as before/after pics if you wish! You can also report pounds or inches lost during the 30 day challenge. Good luck to everyone!
Did everyone quit???
where did everyone go??? :(
The afterburn - Oh it hurts so bad
Thought it would be a good idea to add our gripes, good gripes, about our afterburn of exercising. I will start off. On Monday, I did Jillian level 1, stopping here and there and doing exercises my way, the way I can handle them at this time but I did all of her first level dvd. It felt good, I wasn’t really sore at first…
Challenge question
Is this challenge 30 days or three weeks? Based on the final weigh-in date of 4/10, it is only 21 days. Just wondering so I can set an accurate goal from yesterday's weigh-in! Thanks!