FINISHED - Thunderbird Tower - Term 9

The entrance to Thunderbird Tower was on the ground floor, but most students passed under the giant hole in the ceiling by the kitchens without ever discovering what it meant. Thunderbirds knew all too well though. It was a house rule to make sure no one caught you as you snuck under the hole and let its vacuum lift you all the way up to the common room. First Years were told to grab a rope on their first try; it was a long way down! Once lifted to the top, the students stepped onto a platform that opened up to reveal a winding staircase.

After ascending the long spiral staircase, the students walked into a bright golden room lined on three walls with floor to ceiling windows, draped in gossamer golden curtains. Looking out those windows, it seemed the tops of the mountains were close enough to touch. When they looked up, the students noticed that there was even a skylight where they could be enveloped in gentle rays of sunshine or enchanted by bright shimmering stars. Desks and bookcases in a whitish wood were placed near the windows, and large recessed circles lined with fat, fluffy pillows were scattered about for lounging. A fireplace made of white marble, large enough to fit a grown man, stood against one wall. Opposite was a circular room with stairs leading upward to the sleeping quarters, and a polished wooden pole in the center. This room truly had an etherial feel, and no matter where a student was in the room, they had views that would inspire.

A nest of maps, journal scraps, and photographs were laying at the base of the dormitory steps, undoubtedly left by one of the students over the holidays. Beds were in the form of hammocks, knotting their way up to the top of the tower. Climbing up the jungle of ropes to claim their bed was a right of passage for Thunderbirds. Wardrobes were inlaid in the walls next to each hammock. The ropes were enchanted to keep intruders out of the bed.

This common room was perfectly designed for Thunderbirds, with spectacular sights to nourish the soul and rouse creativity. The smell of snow and fresh parchment filled the tower and reminded students that winter classes were finally here.

Grab a book, have some tea, or chat with classmates... whatever feeds your soul. Get comfortable, we're about to start an adventure!

"The very basic core of a man's living spirit is his passion for adventure." ~Christopher McCandless

Owner: kiri127Leaders: kiri127, DixieD0928, yumesoraki, jgundzCreated on January 10, 201921 membersPrivacy: Private