Night Shift Getting Healthy

Hello I'm Megan. I am 42 years old nurse and I work the night shift for the peace and stability. I have been type 2 diabetic for 20+ years and use insulin.

I would love to do Keto because it works but I suck at it. So I am just gonna do the old fashion calorie counting and exercise. You can do whatever you feel will get you healthy and fit.

I would love to have some support buddies that work the night shift to communicate with. I can give great encouragement and listen wholeheartedly. Someone to check in with daily, weekly, or whatever. It might be nice to so a few easy challenges for example water or walking.

Please join me in getting healthy and losing weight. I live in central Texas and work 10p to 630a.
Owner: Stronger_MeganLeaders: Stronger_MeganCreated on June 21, 20196 membersPrivacy: Public



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