Important stuff will go here one day.
New to Vshred
Hello, how has everyone been holding up on this program? I'm a week in and hanging in there. Best of luck out there!
Turning 50 in 15 months
I bought vshred in hopes of being fit and fab at 50. I completed Day 4 today. So far, so good. I like that the workouts are quick and somewhat easy to follow along to.
Tired of being a "frumpy" grandma.
Hi everyone, my name is Debbie and I am 63 years old and was one of those people that could eat whatever I wanted and stay a size 5....that is until I hit age 40 and everything started to change. Now I am 40 lbs overweight, at risk of type 2 diabetes, tired all the time with low energy, painful knees, blah, blah, blah and…
Vshred newly
Hi, just started Vshred. I'm 65 newly retired and a caregiver for my husband battling pancreatic cancer. I need to take some time to take care of myself and lose weight and get my body toned. Looking forward to sharing and getting tips from this group.
Is this a Serious Weight Loss Program
Starting VShred tomorrow. Has anyone had any success with this program? Or is this program there just to sell you supplements?