Hi in 5'10 5'11 and I weight about 130 most of it is muscle in my legs form track I was wondering if 1 I could model and of you have any weight lose tips I eat a lot of junk food and excerise a little. I would also like to apply to really good agency's i use to get approached by agents when I was younger but not as much…
Terrific group! Can't wait to have some interaction here. Also, I thought it would be of great help if we'd share our fav food blogs that help us maintain our figure and health. Here are mine: ModelsDoEat.com GreatBodySkin.com Both owned by models! Please copy the above list and add yours in a new post. XO
Hi! I'm relatively new to the industry. I'm living in San Francisco, CA, and I'm wondering what tips, recommendations, or insight anyone who has had consistent work could give to someone who's just starting out. Where are you finding work, do you work with an agency, where are you posting your material, etc. etc. Look…
I have to bring down 10 lbs before the show. As my models comments that my stomach is coming out looking like a 7 months pregnent. Vivek Director - Dreams Shows
Look for me: haruvamp PS do you know any other good model pages?
Hey, I'm an aspiring model and can you guys tell me what you have gone through as a model so far?
If you know any, please write below :) I will try to collect as much data too and post :)