Tips and tricks.
A topic to share all of your weight loss tips and tricks ~ They will all be added to this main post along with your username [:
Useful websites
Excercise ~ Calculates the calories you will burn in various sports / excercises. BMI calculator Random ~ A helpful little website for when you feel the need to binge or have just…
Help & Support
Eating Disorder / Weight issues Something Fishy ( Provides support to people with eating disorders, and their loved ones. Offers information on eating disorders including symptoms, prevention and causes, associated dangers and a treatment finder. Also offers support through online community…
A community for ED suffering
Hello everyone, I just wanted to let you know of a lovely community. Eating disorders makes you feel lonely and isolate you from the rest of the world. We feel like we can't talk to anyone because they wouldn't understand, they would judge us. That's why we created this place, for everyone suffering from an eating disorder…
Im new here and i need people i can relate to in my newfeed please. Add me.
Questions and answers
This is just a simple little game to help people get to know eachother... basically all you have to do is answer the question given by the person above you and then ask your own for the next person to respond to (: So to start it off... What is your favorite place in the whole world?
Introduce yourself :)
This is just a little section where you can write a few sentences about yourself. I'll start.. Hey guys, I'm an 18 year old girl from Australia. I have suffered from an eating disorder for many years now but outside of that I work at a small little gift store and my favorite things in the world are photography, baby…
Life Sucks
feeling down? Depressed? Angry? Need to get something off your chest? Come and let out your frustration here! For anything bugging you big or small.
Happy Days
To share all the wonderful things happening in your life weather it be an achivement in your weightloss or recovery, getting tickets to see your favorite band or even just something small that made you smile (: