

1.Read Daily Text
2.Log Onto MFP
3.Exercise Daily
4. Do Something Good For Someone Else
5. Save 20 Dollars per week


1. Send one text in daily group chat of daily text using only emojis as proof of read.
2. Must complete Diary on MFP exercise must be additional movement cleaning the house doesn't count anything over five minutes counts.
3. Good deeds may be as simple as a text and as complex as you want.
4. Points deducted for meals eaten out.
5. Saved money is to be added to a permanent saving account and not used for gift cards or personal rewards. This is after all a lifestyle challenge so changes are meant to be permanent, Happy Personal Growth to you all!

Owner: ContagiousblondeLeaders: Contagiousblonde, snoboardman96Created on April 22, 20213 membersPrivacy: Private