Apache 100 Day Workout Challenge!

Start date: 04/26/2021
End date: 08/01/2021

The goal is to work out every day for 100 days. Any type workout (within reason) and time of your choice! Even on “rest” days or lazy days... get up and go for a walk if you can’t get to the gym. This is going to based off of a trust system and it doesn’t help anybody, even yourself if your cheating! Partner up with an accountability partner if you need the extra motivation (:

We will put up a roster in the break room. You can check off the box daily after you workout. If you’re off slope you can contact anyone in the challenge on slope to mark it off for you. I also challenge you to take before, during, and after photos. A lot can happen in 100 days :) I’m also working on creating a Facebook page to follow as well, I encourage you to post workouts, motivational posts, progress, etc.. let’s have fun with this and get after it!
Owner: omary20Leaders: omary20Created on April 23, 20211 membersPrivacy: Private