Covington Elite Crew

We all win. Let's start somewhere. Increase your water intake, Reduce your number of daily calories, workout at least three times a week. Our goal is to be healthier and make smart choices. This can be a lifestyle change for us all. This is a voluntary12 week challenge. The winner will be the team member that reduces their BMI the most. You are free to make the changes that you see fit. We are all different and what works for one may not work for the other. So do you research and decide what will work best for you to improve your BMI. If you need help to understand your BMI please use the tools in this app to help you on your journey. To stay motivated and so that you will have accountability partners I will divide us in teams. You do not have to share your results if you do not want to; besides we will see the changes over time.
Teams are
Admin Angels, Melany-Joy-Caleb- Valarie
Treatment Trojans, Alexis- Alex- Lamonica- Derica
Provider Pirates, Dr.W, Julia, Pam, Monica
As we work through this there maybe changes to each other teams. We will also collect $5 a week from participants. If each of us donate $5 that will be $60 for 12 weeks will equal $720 which will go to the person who losses the most weight and reduce their BMI.
Owner: valariestoudemireLeaders: valariestoudemireCreated on July 7, 20211 membersPrivacy: Private