
Let’s start on January 1st! Sometime between now and then, take a couple pics of yourself in the mirror in a bathing suit (for your eyes only) unless you’re comfortable sharing! Weigh in on January 1st and log it along with your measurements (chest, waist, hips, thighs, arms). Let’s try to limit sugar, lower carbs, increase water, get a little exercise in daily, do a daily food diary and share it to the group (it holds us accountable if we know others are seeing what we eat). Please introduce yourselves and feel free to share anything that helps you, healthy recipes, etc. Try to check in at least once a day with a quick pic of your food log for the day. If you have any other ideas for our group, share! If you want to add anyone to the group, let me know!
Owner: LWhitwLeaders: LWhitwCreated on December 30, 20214 membersPrivacy: Private