What’s app Group - Accountablity in Weight Loss

Hi all, I am Emma - I am 25 years old and on a weight loss journey. I am not a new starter I have been up and down weight wise for years. I am back on the weight loss train trying to loose around 4 stone. I would love to make a whats app group with like minded people, all centred around weight loss, healthy habits, accountability and well being. 🌻I want it to be a safe space where people feel open to voice any wise words, struggles or general chit chat about things they find has helped them in their weight loss journeys. ☺️ This can be a 24/7 support system a chance to make friends who are all in a similar mindset! If you want to be a part then please get in touch! Would love to have a support system x
Owner: emmaeatsbetterLeaders: emmaeatsbetterCreated on June 8, 20227 membersPrivacy: Public


Important stuff will go here one day.


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Aw snap, no events are coming up.
