TOCMC Wellness 2023

As a child of the Almighty God, I acknowledge that my body is the Temple of the Most High God. Therefore, I will not touch the unclean thing. I will not participate in unclean activities. I will not think on unclean things. I am joined to the Lord and have become one Spirit with Him.
I choose to lay aside all weights and sin. I offer up my body to the Lord for His use. I offer up my mind, will, emotions, reasoning, imaginations, and desires for His Glory. Today I am dead to sin. I no longer respond to its luring enticement because I am alive unto Righteousness.
I am deprived of the ability to contaminate my life with ungodliness. I am mentally, physically and spiritually organized such that I am functional in the things of God. I will not lie, I will not deceive myself, God or others. I willingly accept the truth and the truth of God’s Word is making me free.
I present my body to God as a living sacrifice. I am not conformed to this world. I am transformed by the renewing of my mind. I am positionally right with God, so that all my covenant rights and benefits are overtaking me in this life. Length of days and quality of life is mine because I am a World Overcomer in Jesus’ Name, Amen!
Owner: pelo1118Leaders: pelo1118Created on June 6, 20231 membersPrivacy: Private