Exclusives Fitness Journey

Exclusives on a transformative journey towards healthier lives! Each one of us has set individual goals, but we're in this together, committed to supporting and motivating one another. Naming, shaming and calling out each others *kitten* included.

Our year-long challenge is divided into four quarters, allowing us to track progress and adjust our strategies along the way. Daily diary updates are a must, providing insights into our experiences, meal plans, and workouts. Weekly weight check-ins will help us stay accountable and celebrate every milestone.

With friendship as our foundation and determination as our fuel, we're embarking on a journey of self-improvement and well-being. Together, we'll achieve our weight loss goals and create lasting habits for a healthier future.
Owner: HuzanwaqarLeaders: HuzanwaqarCreated on September 25, 20231 membersPrivacy: Private