2024 Tenacious GR8TERS, #SOMETIMESITSLIKEGRATINGROCK Spring 5% Challenge
You must first be a member of the 5% Spring Community before requesting to join this team.
🔑 Welcome to The Tenacious GR8TERS! 🔑 Participation with this team can be your key to success! If you find an old friend or 2 on this team that is great! If not, well, we are here to make new friends anyway!❣️ I know we can make this a 10 Week GR8 Challenge together!
🔑 Welcome to The Tenacious GR8TERS! 🔑 Participation with this team can be your key to success! If you find an old friend or 2 on this team that is great! If not, well, we are here to make new friends anyway!❣️ I know we can make this a 10 Week GR8 Challenge together!
Owner: kaliswalkerLeaders: kaliswalker, Ceriusly1, ladyluk1, Dianedoessmiles1, hicim705, Yiche912, diannemt, lavalilyCreated on March 15, 202424 membersPrivacy: Private