GRYFFINDOR Tower Term 52

Term 52 will be a 5-week challenge themed around the Fall/Winter Holidays - It will run from Monday, November 11th - Sunday, December 15th. Your prefects for Gryffindor are @surf723, and @TEXASTITCHER- please accept their friend requests so you may communicate easily via PM.

If you are interested in the challenge, please check out the general information (with application link) here:

Main Castle - the home of the challenge

Prefects Office - where you can ask any questions you might have

Hogwarts Points Spreadsheet - where your well-earned points are tracked by staff (please check this regularly to make sure you're getting the credit you deserve)

Gryffindor Student Central Spreadsheet- - where you can participate in our in-house challenge and keep track of your tasks, as well as keep up to date with the Sword of Gryffindor challenge leaderboard.
Owner: TEXASTITCHERLeaders: TEXASTITCHER, surf723, jflocrna, MaaleaCreated on October 23, 202418 membersPrivacy: Private