Important stuff will go here one day.
Fav College Team? (NCAA Mens)
I live and die for my Michigan State Spartans! Former Alumni from MSU, they are looking great this year! What are your favorite teams? Cheering for my Spartys? :-p
March Madness
Who ya got for the Final Four and eventual champ? I got Kentucky, Michigan St., Wisconsin, North Carolina with North Carolina beating Kentucky for the championship
All Star Weekend
Whatd everyone think of the all star weekend? overall I thought it was alright, was awesome to see Jeremy Evans win the dunk contest I thought his two ball dunk jumping over Gordon Hayward was SICK and easily the best dunk of the night although if Derrick Williams had stuck his last dunk I wouldve voted him the winner and…
Anyone see that Clippers/Rockets game last night? (1-4-12)
That was just a dunkfest! it was crazy, heres a recap and some video highlights what ya think of that?!
Thoughts so far....
Mavs look out of shape, guys were puking Thunder look scary good D-Rose looks like possible MVP repeater Lebron looked even better than usual but that wont mean anything until championship time. Kings look like they can be better than most think this year, possible sleeper team Jimmer looked pretty good on D and taking it…
Well I tried searching for basketball and nba on groups and couldnt any so thought i'd start a bball group haha, my names Ryan basketball isn't my "favorite" sport but I definitly love wathcing and playing it my fav teams areas follows NBA: Utah Jazz, NCAA: BYU as ya can tell im from Utah and no im not LDS (somebody always…
How ya like this dunk? Even a non Jazz fan has to appreciate that! Evans can fly, just goto youtube and search his name and you'll find a ton of good stuff.