How is everyone doing?
How is everyone doing?
Just wanted to drop a line and check in with everyone and see how you all are doing? Hope this message finds you all in good health and your delay in responding is due to workouts.. ;-) Have a great one! Steven
We have a Facebook Page now
https://www.facebook.com/FlaglerCountyFitness?skip_nax_wizard=true Join us over there and lets get interactive!
How to run correctly
Post your Progress here:
burned 453 calories doing 32 minutes of cardio exercises, including "Bicycling, 12-14 mph, moderate (cycling, biking, bike riding)" 88 squats in 1:40 Burning 55 calories
Lets get this shindig started! Welcome to Flagler County Fitness. I figured that since there wasn't a group yet anywhere near here, I would make one. I look forward to meeting all of our new members. Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Calorie Counter
5 Metabolism Killing Foods to Avoid at All Costs
http://www.unleashyourthin.com/p/main/metabolism-killers/7491?noe1&utm_source=nrelate&utm_medium=sponsored-content&utm_campaign=2013-06-13-headline-image-test&utm_content=2-dangerous-metabolism-killing-foods-X-colored-belly-orange-purple-X-7491 The 5 WORST Metabolism-Killing Foods on the Planet… #1 Agave Nectar Syrup…
What's One Exercise Most People Do Wrong?
There's one exercise that most people do wrong. Watch this video to learn how you should really be exercising. http://diet-fitness.healthguru.com/video/whats-one-exercise-most-people-do-wrong
Best time to exercise & Importance of Stretching
When is the best time to exercise? Find out what time of day is best for your workouts in this video. http://diet-fitness.healthguru.com/video/when-is-the-best-time-to-exercise How important is stretching? Watch this video to learn if it's really necessary to stretch your muscles pre-workout.…
5 Best & 5 Worst condiments for your body..
The 5 Healthiest Condiments Consider stocking up the refrigerator with these five condiments… 1) Pesto See, this list won’t be painful! Pesto is delicious, refreshing, and – most importantly – healthy. Since pesto usually contains a little feta, you can even use pesto as a replacement for cheese and queso! By the way,…