50 done. Don't think I'm going to make 150 tonight. Really long day at work today.
Done. One more day to go. I'd probably have better results if I kept within the calorie budget each day.
So far, 50 done. Been having a hard time with squats lately so I'm just going to do as many as I can.
I was going to do yesterday's push ups today, but not feeling well today.
Push ups will have to wait until tomorrow.
Hoping to make to do all of them today. They are giving me problems lately.
Going to do the 125 push ups that I did not get done yesterday.
Spent the day in the hospital waiting room because our daughter was having surgery. Push ups did not get done. Will be doing them on the rest day instead.
Did 1/2 before work this morning. Will do the other 1/2 when I get home tonight.