Important stuff will go here one day.
Herbalife discount
I know this is a long shot... I use to do herbalife and was receiving my orders at 50% off. I stopped herbalife a while back and have been wanting to start again. I lost the lady's contact info that let me use her discount. Does anyone recieve a 50% discount that would be willing to let me use their 50% discount?
What is Everyone's Favorite Flavor of Shake they make?
Mine is Wild berry! I put mixed berries, apple juice, pineapple, sugar free strawberry jello, non fat sugar free vanilla pudding! What are some other ideas for different shake mixtures?
Just started Herbalife 4 days ago and i am loving it!! Happy to have found this group cause I could sure use some support!
Want to get lean and in shape help!!
My husband and I have been using Herbalife for two months and are thrilled with our results. I have A LOT of health issues, some related to weight while others are due to hypothyroidism, etc. I've lost 30 lbs. in 8 weeks while my husband has lost 47. We both feel great! I'm glad to see there are others on here who use the…
Drinking 8 Glasses of Water Daily Helps with dropping those
OMG Drinking 8 glasses min is a must for the best weight loss support. I was drinking no less then 8. Then took what I call a vacation and my inches did not decrease with my weight. Back to basics. To loose weight and inches combined get your water up! Have a great weekend.!!!!
Digestive System
How much fiber are you adding to your daily intake? Fiber is a key to a good digestive track. I take Apple Fiber Daily to help boost my fiber intake.