Looking around and no ones here---I will set my sights on 1# week-protein base..will not go around this mountain again.. Accountability is so important! Question: does anyone have a Green Drink that's not full of sugars? meal replacement! Snack! Cleanse?
Hello, Harvest. I searched for groups via filters of age, vicinity, gender, etc. I see you just formed this group, but other than that, I don't know much else. About me: I am a married male, 67, in Texas, retired, and trying to get in shape (health and weight). I have tried several paths, over the years, and some have…
:MentallyI am prepared..physically Ill work it- each and everyday I will add something of positive nature to think on and implement. This day of Tuesday Septembe 3 I will drink a minimum of 32 Oz for the day! I can do this!