Smart Sack-Lunching:heart: Use the sizes of plastic lunch bags to your advantage. By portioning food out prior to eating (versus eating directly out of the container), you can keep from over-eating or binging. The different sizes are great for different purposes; here are some ideas: Snack-Size: for just that, snacks! The…
10 Healthy Cooking Tips One of the best ways to maintain a healthy diet is by eating at home. Here are some tips to help keep your cooking healthy and satisfying. 1. When veggies are overcooked, they lose their color and may lose some nutrients. Preserve their nutrients and colors by cooking them quickly with either…
Hello Employees, you can also track your exercise as well as your food intake!!! Geauga County is a beautiful place to walk, run and ride your bike....Let's all eat healthy and get moving! :happy: