Goji Play Special Benefits for MyFitnessPal Members
We're big fans of the MyFitnessPal community and wanted to give some exclusive Goji Play perks for MyFitnessPal members. With Goji Play, MyFitnessPal members get the following exclusives: 1. Entry into the Goji Play Leaderboard Challenge*. Once you’ve linked your MyFitnessPal account with Goji Play, you’re automatically…
What New Features Would You Like to See?
The MyFitnessPal community is full of people passionate about getting fit and we’d love to tap into that energy. What new features would you love to see from Goji Play? This could be anything from software or hardware recommendations, game ideas or ways we can expand our activity tracking to fit your workout preferences.
Share Your Thoughts on the Goji Play App
We want to provide you with the best possible user experience and would love to hear what your thoughts are about the Goji Play app.
Linking Your MyFitnessPal Account
1.When you receive your Goji Play hardware, make sure you have the MyFitnessPal app installed on your mobile device. 2. Launch the Goji Play app found on the App Store and create a Blue Goji profile. 3. Once you have a profile created you will be taken to the MyFitnessPal linking screen, allowing you to link to your…
What Do You Love Most About Goji Play?
What do you love most about Goji Play? We have a great time playing games while working out, and would like to hear what you love about Goji Play.
Awfully quiet in here, isn’t it?