Hi all, Please log in your starting weight today!! Please record in lb! At the end of each week I shall go through every bodys log in and work out who has lost the most weight and announce the winner. https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AoTu5_CWtw1qdGJGdmNMdzg2am5WR1VvNWlPQ01JQ3c&usp=sharing The above is the…
Please remember to log your weight today xx
Hi guys, many of you did not log yesterday so I will not be announcing winner till tomorrow, to give you time to log in. Iv not been around as been unwell. Becca xxx
Congrats to kikidee12 this weeks winner for lossing just over 3lb!!!! Way to go!!!! Well done to everyone who remembered to log xxx
Hi guys, firstly if anyone would like to help run this page please let me know! I suffer from a movement disorder so am not always well enough (the cold weather makes me worse) to log on. Secondly please remember to log you weights! xx
Hi guys, Sorry I have been a way for a while I have been unwell and was actually in the resuscitation unit of the hospital last friday so have not been able to log on. Congrats to all of you who have remembered to log. I shall start announcing winners again from monday. Keep up the good work. xxx
Hey guys please log your weight today xxx
This weeks winner is Martino78 with an amazing loss of 6lb!!!! Congrats! Note: some people did not log, if you miss two/three weigh ins you shall be removed from the sheet
Hi guys, Please log your weight each week into the spreadsheet by sunday each week. At the end of each week I shall look through the weigh ins and declare the weeks winner. Here is the spreadsheet link https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AoTu5_CWtw1qdGJGdmNMdzg2am5WR1VvNWlPQ01JQ3c&usp=sharing ss
Please post your weight today - even if you have gained please log! I shall announce this weeks winner tomorrow so that people in all timezones have time to enter xx