Now that you have completed this class and have a better understanding of a balanced lifestyle, what will you do with your knowledge? Think about all that you have gained or learned from this class and describe how you will use it tomorrow, next month, this summer, or for the rest of your life. How has this class effected…
Highlight the address below and copy it. Then paste it into your address bar on your web browser. Complete the survey please! :wink: I would also like to thank you all for your participation in the class and for your…
Who is an ancestor, elder or mentor that you admire, or look up to? What qualities, values, and characteristics do/did they have that you admire? What kind of ancestor will you be?
Welcome to Mino Aanji Bimaadiziwin!!! As a student involved in a diabetes prevention class we wil use this site to help us do the following: 1. Become more conscious of what we are putting into out body 2. Recognize the various ways we burn calories and increase the amount of time we exercise 3. Record any of the good…
This year our class has chosen to walk and track our mileage in recognition of the Dakota 38 and the events leading up to the mass executions in 1862. For 4 days now, a group of Dakota men, women and children are riding horseback along the same trail that the Dakota were forcibly moved from their homes into the prison of…
Mino Aanji Bimaadiziwin is an Ojibwe phrase meaning good changes for life. Since we are half way thru this class, what good changes have you made, as a result of being in this class? (think of your progress in the cardio cage, any new knowledge about American Indians culture, diabetes, food and nutrition choices, pop v…
Here is Merriam-Webster's definition of Culture: 1 cul·ture noun \ˈkəl-chər\ : the beliefs, customs, arts, etc., of a particular society, group, place, or time : a particular society that has its own beliefs, ways of life, art, etc. : a way of thinking, behaving, or working that exists in a place or organization (such as a…
Please click and highlight the link below, copy and paste it into your search bar above. It should take you to a survey assessment for preclass assessment. Thank You!