Important stuff will go here one day.
Weight loss and your joints
Even minor weight loss can be an effective preventative health measure for Osteoarthritis •Every pound lost can take four pounds of pressure off the knees. •Weight loss may help stop the progression of hip and knee osteoarthritis. •A weight reduction of 10% was shown to improve knee function by 28% in a study of women with…
Fitness classes
SHRED will begin again at the Intermediate on Mondays from 3:15-4:00. The cost is $5 per class, if you have any questions email Jamie Ott. Twin City Fitness has membership deals for 2014: A single membership for a month is $30 For a single membership for 6 months is $150 For a single membership for 1 year is $270 For a…
Stress is related to weight gain
An article in Reader's Digest discussed the following information: The most direct route is the food-in-mouth syndrome: Stressful circumstances (your bank account, your boss) spark cravings for carbohydrate-rich snack foods, which in turn calm stress hormones. (When researchers in one study took away high-carb food from…