Important stuff will go here one day.
One Year Later
So how are all of my M2C sisters doing one year later? Sticking with it? Struggling? Successful? At a plateau? How can we help each other reach our goals? Do we need a M2C refresher course?
week 5
How is everyone doing this week??
Chapter 4
Chapter 4 was tough for me. I have struggled with relationships and do not have many close girlfriends. I just have a few casual friends, and my family. I did ask one friend before starting this study to join myfitnesspal with me, but she never responded, and I have spoken to her a few times since then. Maybe I even…
Song Suggestions
Hey there sisters!! I'm wanting to create a playlist for my phone with songs that will be pertinent to this Made to Crave journey. I would love to hear what song suggestions ya'll have for this!!! I already have Overcomer by Mandissa . . . . but keep 'em coming!!!
I love how God repeats Himself when He wants to make sure I am really listening. I am doing a study with my church on Malachi and there have been so many parallels between that study and this. One specifically this week was the story of Jacob and Esau. Then my son has been reading "The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe" for…
Proverbs 31 OBS Tweet
I had to share this even though I'm sure many of you have read it, too. This speaks volumes to me and what I am praying for for everyone in the study: "Victory is Possible Sisters... Not by figuring out how to make this an easy process. But rather by CHOOSING the absolute power available through GOD'S TRUTH over and over…
Chapter 7
Good Morning Ladies. How are you all doing? How did reading chapter 7 go? I must admit this chapter was helpful. But not as big as other chapters for me. My weight has gotten so high that the numbers on the scale don't mean much to me. One thing that did hit home was Lysa's discussion about words from other people. That we…
Access this through phone and ipad
Good Morning - does anyone know how to access this board through your phone or ipad?? If so please share. I've missed all of the posts on this board because a lot of times all I have is my phone :( If there's not a way through the phone then I'll need to be more diligent to get on the computer!!
Victories and Struggles
Yesterday as I went through chapter 4, I asked God to help me through this study and to help me overcome my "food as an idol" thinking and rely on Him. Be careful what you pray for. Yesterday, there were donuts at work (I LOVE donuts). I decided not to even walk by the desk where they were. I didn't even think of them…
Hello ladies! I love to cook! And, I have found it easier to stay encouraged to find healthier recipes if I can share them with friends. So, I have a website that I post new recipes on periodically, as well as blog a little. Check it out at Also, feel free to share some of your favorite healthier…