Important stuff will go here one day.
Catch up
How's everyone doing? I still find it hard to not drink during the week. Yesterday I had a two drinks and then a third one - I am very disappointed today. I should remember that sense of disappointment when I feel like a drink tonight when cooking .....
My daily glasses of wine
I know that I should not drink if I want to loose weight, yet, I drink - daily. But, reading through the various blogs, I realized that I am not the only one. So, why not get together and see if we can beat the booze and embrace weight loss together.
Derby Weekend...*fail*
So we did really good last weekend....didn't drink too much. Some of our close friends went to FL for vacation so we did really good. This weekend....not so good! We did TERRIBLE - drank TWO bottles of wine Friday night at a winery.... then had a very improtu get together at a friends house yesterday for the derby and…
The Weekend
Well, the weekend is here, and it's going to be warm and sunny here (which usually means being outside with some beers). Wish me luck, and the same to the rest of you!
Translating your Drinks into calories
I don't know about you but I am a great believer in visualization. So what I did, I looked at the drinks I consume and translated those into calories. While surfing the net, I also came across some interesting websites. My findings are here for your benefit. Please add your drinks and calorie values and/or any website of…
It is hard enough to not drink daily, let alone when on holiday. Every day offers a reason to have drinks in daylight. My commitment for the second part of the holiday is no drink before 6pm - a nice colonial habit. By not drinking during the day I save myself 2 pints of craft beer, which is 500(!) cals a day x 7 (days…