I'm putting a little project together and need participants. The project is about infertility. If there is anyone that's interested in participating please click on the link below. If you know anyone that might be interested, please forward the details to them.…
I am losing weight so me and my dh can try for baby #6 (#9 if you count my 3 angel babies) I had a m/c in March 2011 and one before Lennox in April 2008 and my dh is thinking that if I lose weight and get my thyroid under better control than when we try when I am down to a better weight it might help to not lose another…
I'll start! My name is Simone. I'm 38 and am a sahm to 5 great boys! Soon though one will be a man! Can't believe Trent will be 18 on the 12th! I also have a special needs child named Ty, who will be 16 in July, and is wanting to get his license like his older brother has, but can't because of his cognitive delays. I got 2…