Hello, My daughter is a Daisy and I'm her leader. We do badge work, community work, virtual girl scout events and local camping trips. Right now we are selling cookies and donating to a local children's shelter. We go biking, rock climbing, swimming. We play soccer and baseball. We meal prep together and exercise together.…
We tried Zumba tonight! It was a great local field trip, and the instructor only had chaperones pay.
Let's discuss it - for those who are super GS Busy - either w/your daughter's troop as a parent volunteer or as a leader? How do you balance, work/troop/life/exercise and diet? I find that my troop is very supportive - we hit Camporee earlier this year and the other leader's allowed me to do what I felt I needed to stay on…
Hello Fit GS Adults! Finally able to post a topic, so I wanted to get a round of introductions going: My name is AusAshMommy aka Lara I'm a Co-Leader for my Daughter's troop in the NC Coastal Pines Council We're a multi-level troop with Daisy's through Cadette's, I've taken over the Brownie's this year and my daughter is…