"Cheatsheet" of pre-tested workout tunes to come soon
I am currently working on a project to make a spreadsheet of the most "popular" workout tunes based on pulling as many workout playlists as I can from around the 'Net and sorting them from most appearances to least. I'll also include columns that break down what "specialty" the tune is geared to (for example, did the song…
Thread for "Work out tunes that make you feel bad a**" From the "General Weight Loss" board
Thread "Your energy song" for you
This is a pretty good moderate/slightly uptempo song that might be one to consider adding to your device: The (International) Noise Conspiracy "Smash it Up"…
"Epic rap workout songs" thread
Saw this elsewhere so posting it here...
From "Metalheads, Punks and Goths United" board
Another one that might be of interest to some here:
From the "Gaining Weight" board
They happen to have a thread running right now about workout tunes that might be of interest:
New Workout Songs??
Although I love my current playlist, I like to get new playlists as new seasons start and with fall around the corner it is time. I like generally all music but I have mostly hip hop and rock on my playlist now but I listen to everything...I even have country on the current playlist so I'm open to anything!
Two steps from Hell
i am by no stretch of anyones imagination a gym bunny but on rare gym visits or for a good brisk walk, or even to get out of a bipolar crash I often enjoy epic music. Two steps from hell is one of my favourite producers of that particularly first two tracks on my play list. The rest of my list is mostly cheese but I like…