Hello brothers. I'm Jack Riddle, Past Master of Suburban Lodge #740 F&AM in Louisville, KY. I started this group in hopes of meeting other brothers going though similar experiences in weight loss and improving health.
I'm a little lost.
So, I'm a Massachusetts mason, an ancient. I ended up moving out here to WA, and I've been out of lodge for so long that I'm not even sure I could survive an examination anymore. Being so far from my lodge, I an't just sit with another brother to re-learn the traditions... any suggestions? I've become really embarassed…
Healthy Eating and the South Gate
Is maintaining a healthy diet good Masonic behavior? One of the duties of the Junior Warden is to supervise the craft during refreshment, and see that non pervert the purpose of refreshment to temperance or excess. Further, we are taught to "circumscribe our desires and keep our passions within due bounds." Would this not…