What's the 1st thing you think of in the morning?
I've been using MFP for one month now, along with Fitbit. So far, I've lost 3 pounds and I attribute it all to this combination. For those who don't know, Fitbit is a tiny wearable device that counts your steps and climbs (as in stairs). It also tracks your sleep, which provides some really interesting information. Anyhow,…
So how was everyone's weekend? Did you stay focused....or indulge? The weekends seem to be the most tempting for me. So I personally made a promise to myself: This weekend: No eating out! No birthday cake! I did it...Ate only homemade meals, so I can control the calorie intake. CHECK! No birthday cake, I made a fruit…
Ok I have been on MFP for 6 weeks now. The past two weeks I have had a spike meal not spike day. In choosing to have a meal all to myself, not worrying about calorie count and just "enjoying" a meal (actually pizza hut this past weekend) I felt guilty! I didn't enjoy it as much as I had hoped. Then getting on the scale and…