Important stuff will go here one day.
Updates or anything?
I just thought I would see if any body reads this. I had previously joined a 100 lb. to lose group and it was so large that I felt lost in the crowd. I liked this one ,since it was still small, but I see no activity here. I'm just going to ramble on about my problems with weightloss and see if I get any bites. So here…
Hi. I'm starting my MFP from scratch. i have done it before and deleted my account and am back again. I have 100+ to lose and really need to get it off. I am tired of being my size and am tired of crying about it and just want to get off my tush and get results.
Hi guys
Ive been a member here for a couple years but I never took it seriously enough. I'm hoping this time I will do better. I got divorced in November of last year and I pretty much laid on my couch until the end of February. In the last month i decided to get off the couch, drink water, exercise and clean. So far it has gone…
Hey all! New here!
Hi everyone! My name is Chelle, and I'm trying to lost over 200 lbs. I'm excited to meet some new friends with like-minded goals and see just how we can encourage each other! Well met! :)
what have been your biggest struggles?
i have been struggling for the longest with eating processed food but now i'm trying to do more natural basic foods and less red meat!!!