Important stuff will go here one day.
Anyone still around?
I need some ideas, tips, and advice. Thanks.
30 Carb's a meal and still Vegan!
My Dr tells me I have to maintain a diet of 30 carb's per meal while increaseing my protein intake! I have been Vegan for 15 years and would like to stay that way... So what in the world can I eat! I have reactive hypoglycemia. A condition as I understand it that allows the blood sugar to fall or rise to rapidly (some one…
September challenge with vegan Kevin Powell & BKNation
Hey Everyone, Join me and Kevin Powell, a super nice generous vegan, on this 30 day challenge for September starting today! Commit to 30 min a day every day of whatever kind of exercise you want: You can follow @BKNationOrg or Kevin @kevin_powell or me…
high fat or high protein?
I'm newly venturing into a no wheat/grains food plan. I've been vegan for some time and have been raw for a few months. I'm researching weight loss from: low carb & high fat (Ketogenic, Atkins) vs low carb & high protein (Dukan, Harcombe) Any thoughts?
A little bit about me!
Hi! I am a vegan! I was also diagnosed with PCOS (polycystic ovarian syndrome). Carbs are super unhealthy for me but I don't EVER want to stop being a vegan. I am determined to be able to balance both! Created by - Free Weight Loss Tools