Accountability group /Fitness challenge

This is will be an accountability group for people who also want to just work out on their own and not be part of the challenge below. You can also do both if desired.

A 31 day Challenge if anyone is interested.
You choose 1 or more of the exercises you would like to do.

Choices are squats, lunges, leg lifts, crunches or sit ups, triceps or biceps.

Days) Reps (1 set)
01) 50
02) 55
03) 60
04) Rest
05) 70
06) 75
07) 80
08) Rest
09) 90
10) 95
11) 100
12) Rest
13) 110
14) 115
15) 120
16) Rest
17) 130
18) 135
19) 140
20) Rest
21) 150
22) 155
23) 160
24) Rest
25) 170
26) 175
27) 180
28) Rest
29) 190
30) 195
31) 200

Owner: Klein1475Leaders: Klein1475Created on March 13, 20121 membersPrivacy: Public



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