Important stuff will go here one day.
Is there Antoine active on here?
Hello Directiners! I was wondering if there were still people active in this group. I would love to talk to some directioners who want to lose weigert like me! Xxx
Top 5 songs on "Midnight Memories"?
Hey MFP Directioners! What are your top favorite 5 songs on "Midnight Memories"? I know it's so hard to choose... I feel differently every day, but here are my top 5 right now! 1. Happily 2. Story of My Life 3. You & I 4. Don't Forget Where You Belong 5. Better Than Words
They have a directioner group on here?!?!? Thank the sex gods!! Now I can talk to girls in the same position as me! Trying to get sexy for when we meet the boys.. hopefully.. someday LOL Urmm.. Add me?? :D And dont forget to eat your veggies.. especially those carrots ;) HAYLOR?? opinions??
Hey girls glad to join ya:) I knew I would find a One Direction group here:) now I can keep in touch with the boys while losing the extra pounds this is just great:) x
Take me home
Who is excited for the new album?? Tomorrow they will be performing the new single :) :) maybeee, live while we are young xx
Favorite Song?
Hey everyone! Just wondering what all of your favorite songs from Up All Night are! I love them all, but I particularly love One Thing, Stand Up Save You Tonight, and Same Mistakes. And of course What Makes You Beautiful :) what about you guys ?
just wondering if any of you have 1D related/dedicated twitters/tumblrs that you wanted to share my twitter is @real_4th_nipple (gotta love hazza ;) ) and my tumblr is feel free to follow me and send me a note if you want to let me know who you are :)
HI everyone who has joined! I just wanted to say WELCOME and I'm so glad you are here! gotta love those five boys :)